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Cosmetic Dentist Coral Springs, FL

Sep 14

Cosmetic Dentist Coral Springs, FL

Your smile has a powerful impact on your life. Whether you’re preparing for a job interview or braving a first date, a radiant smile can elevate your confidence and boost self-esteem.

ClearWave Dental & Aesthetics can transform the size, shape, color and symmetry of teeth with minimal invasion to your natural tooth structure. These procedures are usually reversible.

A beautiful smile is a great way to improve your appearance. A cosmetic dentist can help you make the most of your smile’s potential through veneers. These thin porcelain shells are custom-fabricated to cover the front of teeth. ClearWave Dental & Aesthetics Coral Springs hide discoloration, close small gaps, repair chipped or broken teeth, and reshape misaligned teeth.

Porcelain veneers look more natural than composite resin and are highly stain resistant. However, since Dentist Coral Springs require the removal of enamel they are not as strong and may need to be replaced if they chip or break.

The procedure is painless, but patients should expect to experience some tooth sensitivity after treatment. This should dissipate within a few days. Using products designed to decrease tooth sensitivity and avoiding hot and cold foods or beverages should prevent sensitivity from exacerbating.

A smile that's whiter and brighter can boost your self-image and encourage others to trust you. This is why many people seek the services of a cosmetic dentist, who can correct discoloration and provide other aesthetic treatments like veneers for reshaping and whitening teeth.

ClearWave Dental & Aesthetics uses a chemical to lighten the color of your teeth. Dentist near me Springs products range from toothpaste and rinses that are sold over-the-counter to bleaching treatments done in the dentist's office. Most over-the-counter products have hydrogen peroxide as their main bleaching ingredient, but the strength of these chemicals varies and how white your teeth can get varies from person to person.

To maintain your dazzling smile after teeth whitening, avoid foods and beverages that stain. Staining can include red wine and dark coffee, sports drinks, berries, tomato sauces and other highly colored foods. If you do consume these items, be sure to brush or rinse right away. This helps remove staining residue and prevents it from becoming a permanent mark on your smile.

Bonding, which is sometimes referred to as “putty” or “dots,” is an excellent cosmetic dental treatment for teeth with chips, cracks, gaps, discoloration, and minor tooth structure issues. Unlike porcelain veneers and crowns, bonding is minimally invasive and does not require the removal of natural tooth enamel.

The process of getting a bond involves applying a tooth-colored resin material to the surface of damaged or decayed teeth, shaping the composite, and curing it with a UV light. It usually takes between 30 and 60 minutes per tooth, and the procedure is pain-free.

The dentist will begin by applying a mild etching solution to the teeth, slightly roughening them for a stronger bond with the composite. He then applies the resin to each affected tooth, sculpting and shaping it as needed, then a high-intensity UV light to harden the composite. He will finish by polishing the tooth and assessing its alignment with adjacent teeth. Bonded teeth can last from three to ten years before needing repair or replacement, though their lifespan can be reduced by excessive chewing and staining.

Your smile is a significant part of your overall health. It affects how others perceive you, how well you do in job interviews and social situations, and your overall self-esteem.

ClearWave Dental & Aesthetics are replacement teeth that look and feel like your own natural teeth. They’re an alternative to bridges and dentures, which can damage surrounding healthy teeth and gum tissue.

The implant is a titanium post that your surgeon places in the jaw bone. It’s then covered with a crown to make it look like a natural tooth.

You’ll need several surgeries with months of healing between each one. We offer sedation to keep you comfortable during the procedures. It’s important to arrange for transportation if you’re having nitrous oxide or oral conscious sedation (sometimes called twilight sleep). Some patients with certain health problems, such as uncontrolled diabetes or a blood-clotting disorder, aren’t good candidates for dental implants. Your dentist will assess your general health before recommending this treatment.

ClearWave Dental & Aesthetics
Phone: (954) 345-5200
8894 Royal Palm Blvd
Coral Springs, FL 33065