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The Sales Funnel For Effective Online Marketing

Apr 26

For centuries, the sales funnel has been an an integral part of traditional marketing and business. It seems like the topic of funnels in Internet-based business is becoming more popular.

The truth of the matter is that folks want to know more about this marketing concept and how they can apply it to enhance their business online marketing strategies. Continue reading if you want to know more about the sales funnel to ensure Internet marketing success.

The Sales Funnel: What exactly is it?

No, a marketing funnel isn't an actual funnel. This marketing concept uses the word "funnel" to describe the sales process from beginning to end. It has a broad opening for customers who are known as "Unqualified Prospects" at the top, and a smaller opening for conversion sales at the bottom. It's a great comparison.

At the top or entrance to the funnel will be people we might consider to be "unqualified prospects" These are people who could need your services or products, but you have not yet contacted them. You'll have many offers and sales activities in the future, and you'll also have customers who've purchased your product/service.

The efficiency of the lead generation funnel is down to the fact that it allows you to monitor the potential prospects' actions throughout the lengthy selling process. It is possible to predict the number potential customers using the sales funnel by being aware of the number of prospects who are qualified throughout the process.

The sales funnel lets you to identify the areas where your sales strategy is not working and where it is being successful. It can also help you determine if your campaign isn't reaching the right customers. This will allow you to choose exactly the areas you need to concentrate your efforts and to maintain sales at the required level, as well as, to achieve your marketing objectives. It's used as a method to monitor and control the customers sales process.

The Sales Funnel Top Front - End

The top of your sales funnel will be the most active area of your sales funnel and will require the most constant testing. There are literally no end of front-end concepts. Your imagination and resources are your only limits.

The front-end's main objective will be to draw in prospective customers and turn these buyers into buyers through the sales funnel.

Once a prospective client opts-in to your offering, they are "qualified". This is the stage of the sales funnel at which the prospective customer or "Unqualified prospect" becomes a qualified leads because they have taken actions that show that they are sufficiently interested to purchase your product.

To make your front-end effective you must be able to drive specific traffic to your website, blog or squeeze pages. PPC advertisements articles, banners, article marketing, PPC advertisements, social media (Google+ Twitter Facebook YouTube), YouTube, banners, blog posting, forum posting and other resources are some of the most effective techniques and sources.

There are a variety of tools that can be used to "qualify the unqualified prospect". One of the most effective methods to determine the quality of prospects is to create a squeeze page. It allows you to offer something of value related to your product that people can get for free or at a significantly reduced price in exchange for their name and email. There are a variety of products to choose from such as newsletters, videos, emails, courses, eBooks, and related reports.

We can see that the front end is where customers are drawn to your sales funnel. But what do you think of the back-end?


The End of the Funnel, or the Back-End

The back-end, or bottom, of the funnel is where the major sales and profits occur. This is where you will discover the most expensive products. They are usually pertinent to the same niche, but presented in a different format, such as video or audio, live interaction, or private consultation.

The primary distinction between the front-end of the service and the back end is the kind of service or cost of the customer.

It's the case that only a small percentage, perhaps 1-2% of the total number of people entering your front-end, will be able to make it into your back-end. That's alright, due to the fact that this particular small percentage will invest more money.

Products and services that are front-end may be priced at less than $100 however back-end products, services and products typically cost between 100 and 1000 dollars. This means that the top of the funnel, or back-end, the main source of income for your Internet company. It's also the most predictable and stable area in the process of selling.

As I said earlier, the sales funnel can be as straightforward or complex as your imagination or resources allow.

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